We are very excited to partner with Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods (CHUN) and Walk Denver to integrate a Vision Zero Community Program Traffic Calming Project at the Intersection of Colfax and Madison during the 11th Annual Tasty Colfax on Tuesday, July 23rd from 5:30-8:30pm..

The City and County of Denver has launched a new community program that will give teams of community members an opportunity to design a project to increase awareness of Vision Zero and promote safer streets in our neighborhood. WalkDenver is assisting in the development, administration and support of the program.

A traffic calming and potential analysis project will take place at one of the busiest and most dangerous pedestrian intersections on Colfax. This increased pedestrian traffic is due to the massive influx of businesses at Colfax and Madison, and its proximity to residents.

Interested in getting involved with Tasty Colfax 2019? Get more information and to grab your tickets!