Proposed Street Designs and CIP Funding: From a number of planning processes and surveys, most notably outreach for the BBID Small Area Plan, Bluebird BID has repeatedly heard that crossing Colfax is a major issue. This year we invested in developing designs to show how the infrastructure on Colfax be improved. Working with a local engineering firm HDR and the City, we completed concepts for enhanced crossings at key intersections in the district. We are pleased to say that Denver Public Works is in support of these designs and has submitted a capital improvement project (CIP) funding request for 2017 to develop the design for the concepts. The request includes the BBID as well as the other Colfax BIDs in the Colfax Collaborative. We hope to receive CIP funding continue to finalize designs so we are close to build-ready. With near build-ready projects in the district, we hope to receive bond funding to complete the engineering process and construct a new cross section for Colfax. We are thankful to have the support of Public Works in these efforts. Click the image to enlarge.
This representative sectional plan shows pedestrian bulbouts on the north and south side of Colfax Ave to assist with safe crossings and reduce crossing distance, widen the sidewalk and provide additional visibility for pedestrians and vehicles. The median islands will offer pedestrians a safe refuge midway through crossings, while not impeding business access. Pedestrian crossing signals will be enhanced to include a leading pedestrian interval and pedestrian crossing countdown timer. All of these elements together create a safe pedestrian crossing experience while not unnecessarily stopping the flow of traffic.